Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 19-"Stranger Danger!"

Okay, now stranger danger might be a bit dramatic but, when you have some one coming at your belly with full on intention to get their "belly rub" on and you don't quite know the person on that sort of level…well, that is about all you want to yell.

"Stranger DANGER!"

Week 19 was filled with not one but two different emotions, granted I am a hormonal pregnant woman so there were way more than 2 emotions that week; but, these 2 really stuck out in my memory.

Emotion1: The absolute excitement that oozed from my body when I actually noticed that I was starting to look pregnant. I no longer had the burgers and beer belly that I dreaded showing. I was actually getting a pregnant belly! Holla!! I found myself rubbing my belly all day, it became a daily, hourly ritual that was so comforting to me.

Emotion 2: Back the eff up you creepy person that I have only met a couple of times in my life or random person at store. Seriously, Back UP!

Let's talk about emotion 1 & 2 shall we? Okay, I believe it was mid week and I decided to look at my body. Actually inspect it for the first time since becoming pregnant. It was something I was not looking forward to so, I put it off each week until week 19. Why week 19? Well, that was the first time I noticed that while in the shower I could no longer really see my va-jay-jay! Wow, TMI right?! Suck it up! It is what it is and all pregnant mommy's out there know what I am talking about. There is nothing like that moment when you realize that your vaggy is playing hide and go seek with the growing baby inside you. Out of pure shock, I quickly reached down there to make sure it was still there. Like, where the hell was my vaggy going to go?! That realistic question didn't pop into my head once while I was feeling around to make sure the goods were still there. Everything seemed on the up and up after my check, and it was at that moment I truly embraced the physical changes that were going on. I placed my hand on my belly and all in the world seemed right. I felt like a protector, like a super hero. Here I was creating life, growing another being inside me
(still a little sci-fi) and now it was my duty to protect him and give him a safe place to grow. I must admit I felt pretty awesome! I was given a pretty big responsibility and I was not taking that lightly!

After my morning shower, I decided to get out for a bit. I had a list of errands to run and the weather was nice enough (under 101 degrees) to run such errands. A couple of stops later I run into a store I hadn't been in since finding out I was preggers. I walking in talked to the person behind the counter,  we covered all sorts of conversations on life, work, home, family the whole nine. Then about 15 minutes later my spidey senses started to tingle and not in a good way. I
I saw movement from the corner of my eye, it was swimming in my direction and I had to think fast about how I was going to avoid this one. I quickly responded to my first instinct; cover the belly! Both my arms when right to my belly folding over it trying to provide it with massive coverage. It was at that moment I hear "oh, its a belly!" with a half smile on my face I turn around to face what reminded me of a football player in mid reach to catch the ball.

My arms tightened over my belly and I was amazed to feel how my body was reacting to this. If I do recall, I was one of those gals who thought "I am going to let everyone touch my pregnant belly, the more love the better!" Blah, blah, blah! If I were facing my old self now I would slap her. This feeling and complete desire to protect my son was filling my body and controlling every part of my brain.

I noticed that this person was coming closer and the hands weren't budging, I made a slight shift in my arms hoping to make it noticeable that I wanted no part of this persons hands on my body. Yeah, that didn't work. Next thing I know my arms were parted and this person was rubbing my belly like a effin' gypsy would rub a crystal ball. There was some serious friction being made and I was not feeling it.
You know that scenes in Kill Bill when Beatrice Kiddo aka Black Mamba would see her enemies sirens started blaring and you just knew some crazy sh*t was going to go down; well, that is what was going through my head.

Instead of busting out my Hatori Hanzo sword and cutting a fool, I decided to keep it classy and turn around as I bid my goodbyes. As I was leaving I over heard belly rubber say "luck for me". Okay, belly rubber wherever you are. I am all about spreading the pregnancy joy and love but, please do yourself and other pregnant ladies around you a favor. ASK the pregnant woman if you can touch her belly for good luck, don't just go and assume the belly rub is yours for the taking. Because honestly, I almost cut you in public and it wasn't going to be pretty.

Don't mess with this super hero, I am my kids protector. Much love week 19, thanks for the emotions!