Monday, July 25, 2011

Kind of Random Like my Thoughts!

My brain seems to be all over the place these is a pretty decent example of what pops into my head on any given day since 12 weeks pregnant.






Why are Ramona's eyes (from Real Housewives) so big?







Thursday, July 21, 2011

Weeks 14-16

Week 14- "The IMPORTANCE of Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate"

The week was starting off in an illustrious sort of way, morning sickness was at still at bay and I was enjoying every minute of it!  WIth certain aversions and my gnarly sense of smell, cooking was quickly booted from my life as an early pregnant lady.  You know, as strange as it sounds, I was starting to miss cooking.  I missed being in my kitchen.  When I cook it is just the food and I; nothing else.  I sing, I dance (when no one is looking) and I try to mimic the chopping techniques I saw on Iron Chef that week.  So, when week 14 rolled around and I hadn't cooked a single thing in close to 100 days, I started to feel my kitchen call to me like that devilish jelly donut you know you shouldn't have.

So, I decided to let my inner Julia Childs see the light of day once again.  I dusted off my spatula and gave the ol' kitchen a go.  By they time I was done making dinner I felt like I had climbed Mt. Everest and it felt GOOD!  What was on the menu? Fettucini Alfredo with a side salad (watch your back Mario Batali!).  Okay, maybe that was a little bold, but Chef Boyarde best watch his ravioli packing' arse.

When dinner time rolled around the next day, I was not in the mood to cook; especially after a 3 hour comatose-like nap.  So, I went through all the restaurants in my rolodex and found myself wanting mexican food!  WTH!?!  Since I was about 5 weeks pregnant Mexican food had been a "no-go" for me.  WIthout hesitation I called my husband and told him to "get his engineering behind to Visalia as fast as he could because this pregnant woman wants some mexican food!".  Once he walked though that door I knew he was by far the happiest man on the planet.  Like me, he had been mexican food free for 100 days and I knew he was itching for some beans, jalapenos!  
"Las Palmas, here WE COME!"
After completely annihilating a taco/burrito combo plate, my body felt like it was a great time to let out the loudest burp it could muster up!  It was so loud the lady with the hearing aid turned around to catch a glimpse of the 16 year old boy who let out that belch…and instead she found little ol' me.  I wasn't embarrassed by any means , I gave her a quick smile and walked out a satisfied customer.

Friday came in a hurry and it was doctor time, which meant it was time for us to hear our little ones heartbeat!  I was so excited I could hardly contain myself!  I pulled into the parking structure to be greeted by my love leaning against his car all GQ like with a glowing smile on his face.  It looked like I wasn't the only one excited to hear our baby's heart.  30 minutes passed and we were ready to hear our baby's heartbeat.  My doctor walked in with a little walkie-talkie looking thing said "let's hear this baby's heartbeat."  Next thing you know I am on my back and she is squirting jelly on my belly (ha-ha I know that sounds funny).  While she is moving what could only be the receiver around my belly, she starts to throw out words like placenta, uterus, baby, sleeping on side, and I think I heard her drop the word unicorn once or twice.  After what felt like 30 minutes (in reality 30 seconds) I couldn't help but start to get nervous because I couldn't hear the heartbeat.  I looked at my husband from the corner of my eye (thank you peripherals) and saw a slightly worried look on his face as well.  Then voila!  SHE FOUND IT!  I looked at my doctor and asked "is that me or the baby?" with a gentle smile she looked at me and said "that is your little one".  I couldn't help but want to cry…again!  
She said that the heartbeat at this time in my pregnancy should range between 120-160 and ours was at 139, which meant he was right in the middle and that was healthy and strong enough for us!  Not too high and not too low.  

Friday ended well for us, Saturday and Sunday….not so much.

Saturday morning I woke up feeling great, I was ready to take on the day.  So, I had a good breakfast followed by a couple of errands.  Everything was going well until about 11:30 then I started to feel a little off.  I brushed it off and continued on my way … it probably wasn't the best idea.  Once we got home I felt completely drained, and not in a good way.  I was warm then cold and my sleepiness was coming on super strong.  I started to fall asleep on the couch and found myself feeling a little on the nauseous side.  My super hero of a husband quickly jumped to my aid and googled all of my symptoms.  We narrowed it down to Malaria and/or Typhoid Fever.  Then when it dawned on us that Google probably wasn't the best way to diagnose a problem we decided to call the doctor. 

As all of you mommas know when you call an on-call doctor, the phone call back doesn't necessarily happen within the next 15-30 minutes.  An hour later I found myself in my bed hoping to feel better and wanting to throw up.  I felt pretty protected in that comfy bed of mine, I had my husband with his hand on my belly (still googling from his phone) and my two four legged animals freakishly close to my stomach.  Then BAM!  I hear the hubcap yell as if finding the cure to Alzheimer's "YOU ARE DEHYDRATED!".  I looked at him and rolled my eyes and said "okay Doogie Howser, MD let's see if water helps me feel better".  
With the speed of a comic book character I found him by my side with an ice cold glass of water.  I take a sip and find myself chugging the whole cup, after finishing the cup I started to think he might be on to something.  Every hour on the hour he was giving me a new cup of water and forcing me to drink H2O like a fish!  
About 3 hours later I found myself feeling better but still weak and waiting for a doctor, any doctor to call me.  Roberto (my husband) was ready to go to the ER but, I will be damned if I pay 500 dollars to be told I am dehydrated and a little water and gatorade should do the trick.  With hour 4 creeping up, my phone rings!  I quickly pick up the phone and I hear a young voice say "hello, this is Dr. Weebley calling for Ashley"  it was like sweet music to my ears.  I quickly give him the run down from how I was feeling to my husband googling.  He chuckled and asked how I was feeling at this very moment.  I told him I had a slight case of dry mouth but, my energy was coming back and I was no longer battling a fluctuation of body temperatures.  With a smooth even tone he said "you sound like you are doing great, the husband did well and as for the dry mouth you should be fine, unless you find yourself in the middle of the Arizona desert with no water I wouldn't be worried.  Keep an eye on your symptoms and if they worsen go to the hospital and they can get you hooked up to IV's.  Have a good night Ashley and rest."  
After saying "thank you and goodbye" I hang up the phone and quickly start to chug glasses of water and bottles of G2; there was no way I was going to get an IV stuck in me just yet!  HELL NO!

Week 15 - "The sickness in more than 1 way"

Uggh, I would read about pregnant woman being more susceptible to getting sick due to a lower immune system, but with the way I antibacterial myself on an hourly basis I thought I was above all that sickness mess.  Boy was I wrong.

Waking up Tuesday morning I felt it, that little annoying tingle in your throat.  You know, the one you try to pass on as allergies but, in the back of your mind you know damn well it is a cold coming to kick your arse!  I start pumping Vitamin C and a couple of zinc pills to help out this cold, but nothing was helping and by Wednesday I found myself feeling a little bit worse.  My husband, being the sweet man he is, stops by a local Pho hotspot and picked up some "magical soup".  When he walked in I could smell the lime, basil, cilantro, broth and…chicken.  NO!!  I still can't eat chicken without wanting to throw up!  I forced myself to put a couple of pieces of chicken in my soup, I did need the protein.  While I sat there and slowly sipped my soup I see my husband make the biggest soup fumble of my life.  It was like everything happened in slow motion.  I saw the setup, the soup hand off and then came the fumble!!!  Noodles, soup, jalapenos, and CHICKEN flew everywhere!  It was terrible and boy did it smell terrible.  I could instantly smell the chicken that was laying on the floor in a pool of sriracha soupy goodness and it was not looking good.  
20 yard penalty to Berto and I go running to the bathroom.  I am sure we all know how that ended.  
I walk back into the living room with no appetite and still smelling the pho disaster.  I look at my husband and give him a look filled with sharp daggers dipped in love.
He gives me that smile that usually melts my heart…Usually!  
Thursday, my cough kicks in and it is as dry as the sahara!  I go to Target to pick up some cough drops and maybe some pregnancy safe cold medicine.  All I want is a little relief.  Standing in front of the techni-color rainbow of cough drop bags I start to question which one is "safe".  I grab a couple of bags that show no sign of menthol or alcohol and head to the pharmacist.  I ask him to please tell me which one is safe for pregnancy.  He hands me Ludens, WTF!?  I want relief mister, not candy!!
I turn around to look at cold medicine and notice that I left my "pregnancy safe list" at home on the counter (perfect place for it).  I grab Tylenol Cold and head back to the pharmacist.  He smiles at me and looks down at the evil cold medicine, aka relief, in my hand.  Next thing I know he is lecturing me about medication and my baby, bleeding placenta, lack of blood to my child in utero and something about centaurs.  
Now that I am officially on medication info overload and I feeling like the most terrible mother in the world, I mope back to my relief aisle and put the evil medication back in its spot.  I will now have to suffer through this cold like a big girl. DAMNIT!
Friday- WoAH WoAH WoAH!  Slow your weird dream horses!  I know I heard that dreams start to get a little crazy the further you get into your pregnancy, but this is just a little much too soon in the game.  I had read some funny examples of other pregnant women dreams and I could see my imagination running it's course like it did this night.  Get ready to laugh, cringe, and quite possibly cry!  Everything starts out pretty normal for the most part.  I fall asleep on the couch around 8 then find myself shuffling my pregnant self to bed around 10:30; so far so good.  I brush my teeth, wash my face and am in bed snug as a bug in a rug.  Then like an attack from JAWS (insert theme music HERE) it hits!  The GNARLIEST yet most HILARIOUS dream I have ever had!  EVER!  

The Dream:

I find myself sitting in a room that is foreign to me.  I know nothing about this room and the person who lives in this house.  Then a door opens and the guy from Sister Wives walks in.  You know that guy, right?!?!  If not here is a photo of him:

(For all who know me, this is not the type of man I would um…date)

He walks towards me with this cheesy smile, some might have found it very suave.  I, on the other hand, kind of wanted to vomit.  Well, at least the wide awake, conscious me would have wanted to vomit.  I can't speak for my dream self…at all!  
I then find Mr. Sister Wives sitting next to me, touching my leg and the next thing that happens just blows my frigin' mind.  I grab his hand and throw myself on him, like I were a 15 year old girl in heat, standing in front of Taylor Lautner (team Jacob).  I totally started to make out with Sister Wives guy!  I couldn't believe I was dreaming that.  It was like a terrible car wreck happening over and over again.  I couldn't stop kissing this man with obviously bleached-blond hair and a receding hairline!  I am still not sure how my dream self found him sexy…still baffles me.  Ladies this is where it gets gross.  As if kissing and making out with blondie wasn't enough, I had to go and pinch his nipples.  

I am still not sure what to think about that whole dream except, for that I may need therapy for something like that.  I bolted out of that dream and started laughing hysterically!  I couldn't believe it, shoot, I still can't believe I dreamt that!  
I totally thought that my dreams couldn't get any more crazy and boy was I WRONG!

Saturday- Bring on the Humidifier and the burning coughing sensation in my chest.  My husband forces me to call the doctor (he is becoming really good at doing this).  
I place a call and wait for the call back.  An hour later I get a call from the doctor within seconds of  hearing my cough and voice he tells me to get a humidifier and prescribes me pregnancy safe medication.  
Like a super hero (again) my husband runs to pick up my Rx and humidifier.  Next thing I know, I'm laying there contemplating on whether or not I should take this medication.  After that gnarly lecture from the pharmacist I was a little on the scared side.  I decide to put the medicine on the shelf for the time being and see what this humidifier will offer me.  By Saturday night I am feeling like cow dung and the humidifier well, it wasn't doing anything.  I take a long slow walk to the kitchen and tell my husband I need the medication.  He smiles at me and says "Okay honey, I will bring it to you."  I stand right by the sink waiting for him, like a weak little girl I wait for my knight in shining armor to help me feel better; and there he is with my cough syrup in hand ready to take my pain away.  After taking the medicine he walks me back to bed and scratched my back until I fell asleep. 
Sunday- I wake up feeling better and that dry cough I had was now a sticky phlegmy mess!  Gross!  Steamy showers and lots of rest was on my agenda for the day.  Nighttime rolled around and it was time to take my medicine again.  Granted I was supposed to be taking it every 4 hours I just couldn't bring myself to take it.  So, with the reassuring words from my husband I decided to take it before bed that night.  Sunday would be the last night I take the medicine, being too afraid to risk anything happening to the baby I felt like it was the right decision. 

Week 16- "Cha-cha-cha-CHANGES"

"Got up this morning didn't know right from wrong" -Sage Francis 

After waking up and spotting what looked like an actual baby bump, I couldn't help but wonder if having this bump so early was right or wrong.  It totally caught me off guard.  I mean one day I looked bloated, like I was hitting the burgers and beers a little hard.  Then, like night and day, I see an actual pooch.  It was a different kind of pooch; it was a definite baby pooch. 
I couldn't wait for my husband to come home and see it!  It was actual proof that there was something growing in me and I wasn't possessed by a projectile vomiting, hormonal demon.  When he walked through that door at 5:30, I turned to my side and asked him if he noticed anything.  Before I could turn to face him, his hands were on my newly found baby bump; and the rubbing of the mini baby belly began.
Not only was I greeted by a new obvious physical change, but I was also greeted by a not-so obvious change. 
Every night my baby daddy and I sit on the couch and watch a little boob tube, we talk about our day and he rubs my legs.  Tonight was no different except… 
tonight was the night I decided to find out how pregnancy changes the integrity of your bladder/vaginal wall strength.  
During a funny episode of Modern Family, I found myself laughing so hard I kicked my phlegm cough into high gear.  After a couple of small coughs I let out a big hearty one and that wasn't all I let out.  I quickly bring my cough to a halt and look at my husband all bug eyed.  
Next thing you know I am saying "oh no, not here, not yet!"  I get up without looking back and high-tail it to the bathroom.  Next thing I hear is "ARE YOU SERIOUS, ON THE COUCH BABE!?! OH MAN, THIS IS HILARIOUS!"
Yes, friends you guessed correctly.  In mid hefty cough, I some how managed to push out a substantial amount of pee.  I pissed myself on my friggin' couch!  
(Don't worry potential guests…if any after reading this post, we washed the cushions)
With my head held high and gut splitting laughter filling the air I claimed that pee to be my own, and if I remember correctly I am sure a high-5 was exchanged!

After the "peeing on the couch" fiasco, I thought I would treat my husband to a little surprise.  A surprise that doesn't contain bodily fluids.
The following day I decided to go and find out the sex of our baby!!  I thought it would be so cute to surprise him with the sex of our little one.  
By some luck, the imaging center called me in that day to run a gender check on my little baby.  As I was on my way to the center I found myself getting super excited and super nervous.  I kept on wondering if it would have a penis or a vagina.  Every green light became a penis and every red light was a vagina.  Instead of seeing men and women walk the streets of downtown Visalia I saw penis, vagina.  
It became a little overwhelming.  I checked in to the facility and waited patiently.  I drank the last of my water and decided that I should eat a snack before going in.  I asked the lady behind the desk if I could eat some trail mix and she said "of course, that chocolate should get that baby moving".  I found myself pulling out the chocolate pieces first and slamming those as if it were a beer.  Before I could finish the bag I heard them call my name.  It was GO time.  
I walked in and laid on the table without anyone telling me what to do.  I was so excited and I could hardly wait to see what was going on inside me.  
More jelly on the belly, and voila, my little baby popped up on a screen in front of me.  I was all teary eyed and giggly.  I just kept saying "hi baby" over and over again.  Then I started to wonder what it was I was actually looking at.  I mean it looked like a baby, but I couldn't see what kind of heat it was packing.  My baby was so calm in there, just hanging out covering it's face and the goods.  GRRR!  Come on baby spread your legs, let momma see what's going on!!  I told the techs that I had just ate some chocolate in hopes that they wouldn't get too frustrated at the lack of privates being seen.  2 minutes after I told them about the chocolate, my little one decided to get it's move on!  This little one was on a move and it was becoming just as difficult to get a shot of the privates!  I must admit I loved watching it swim around and throw out punches followed by a few kicks.  BUT COME ON KID, DO MOMMA THIS ONE FAVOR!  
Like a falcon that had spotted it's prey, my tech yelled "freeze it, freeze it!", the assistant tech hit a button and there it was (well after she pointed it out to me, there it was).  "IT'S A BOY!" the tech yelled.  With a huge smile I yelled "IT HAS A PENIS!".  I pretty much banked on the whole first floor hearing me yell that one out.  I couldn't believe it, we were having a boy!  I totally thought we were having a girl.  We had all these people telling us we were having a girl. "HA!  In yo face, my baby has a penis! "
After a couple of photos were printed, I got up and walked out with a new found feeling in my heart.  There is a precious little boy growing inside me.  What could be better than that?

I hustled to the mall to purchase a card and few baby items for my husbands big surprise.  I purchased a pair of black baby converse to match my husbands and 3 guayaberas in different sizes.  Hoping that my husband would get the idea, I quickly wrap everything and put the photos of our little boy in the card and…wait.

When he walked through the door I told him to sit down and open his gift and to leave the card for LAST!  He looked at the shoes and loved them, he then looked at each shirt and loved them too…he wasn't getting it.  Finally, he opens the card.  He read it and I am pretty sure he read it one more time for good measure.  He turns to me and yells "WE ARE HAVING A BOY!?! IT'S A BOY!?!  THERE IS A BOY IN THERE?!  HOLY SH*T WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!!  YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Um, I think he was excited!! 

We are having a baby boy!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Weeks 11-13

Weeks 11-13

"Week 11-There might just be a silver-lining yet"

Waking up in week 11 was going pretty well and all seemed right with my AM battle with morning sickness.  My husband was pulled from cereal delivery and I was hopping out of bed with a slight spring in my step.  I decided that after my morning toast and yogurt breakfast, that I would go through my closet and find all my clothes that still "fit" me; and by fit me I mean my shirts still covered my boobs without stretching or pulling.  My jeans could still button or be fastened together with a nice rubber band and my bras could still be worn for more than 2 hours without feeling like they were cutting off circulation to my newly engorged breasts.  After the first couple of shirts I started to see a trend, they would fit around my belly but were on the verge of a massive split when the tatas came into the picture.  No matter how tight my pants seemed to get I was still determined to put off shopping for maternity clothes until it was an absolute necessity.  
After finding 2 shirts and maybe a couple of pairs of pants I figured it would be best for me to just stick with dresses.  As you can tell I live in the land of denial quite often, it's my thing, don't judge me. :)

The next thing I know it is lunch time and for the first time in what seemed like an eternity my stomach decides that it's time to make itself heard.  I was caught off guard by my sudden urge for food; actual food!  After weeks of eating toast and a couple of oranges for lunch, my stomach finally said "ENOUGH is ENOUGH, feed me Ashley!" .  I suddenly felt like Rick Moranis in "Little Shop of Horrors", I needed to find something savory and delicious to eat and FAST!  I quickly ran to the fridge and scanned each shelf franticly, I was so afraid to lose this feeling my stomach was giving me.  It had been weeks since I had wanted anything with actual flavor and texture; so, I was not about to pass up this moment!  Still in my pajamas, I quickly run to the bathroom to throw my hair up in a nasty looking bun, grab my glasses and head to the car.  I was gonna get me some LUNCH!  I decided to drive down Mooney Blvd. and just let my nose point me in the right direction.  As I closed in on Mooney I rolled the window down and found myself driving down Mooney with my head out the window!  I quickly thought to myself that this must be how my dog feels when he is in the car with me.  I took in the sunshine and the wind in my face.  Again, I realized just how long it had been since I had taken my car for a drive and really just enjoyed what was around me.  Being totally caught up in the moment of morning sickness freedom, I failed to notice that my stomach was growling at me fiercely and telling me to "pull over woman, I want to eat some In and Out!"  The smell of In and Out was intoxicating to me, you would think it was the first time I had ever smelled a hamburger joint.  I decided to make a quick U turn and get my hungry pregnant self in the drive thru line.  With excitement and a dash of fear I ordered my first burger in 77 days.  
I was at the pick up window and my heart was racing.  As she came closer with my lemonade, I started to feel the saliva in my mouth building with each step.  I take the lemonade with a giant smile and  I answered "YES!" before she could finish "will you be eating this in the car".  Next thing you know my arms are embracing a basket of fresh fries and a juicy hamburger with my name written all over it.  I hit the gas not wanting to waste any precious time and pull into the closest parking spot I could find (which now that I think of it, wasn't a parking spot at all).  I turn off my car and quickly beg my stomach to not only like what I am about to feed it but, to keep it down.  
With the opening song from 2001 A Space Odyssey playing in my head I slowly take a bite from my In and Out burger with no onions.  Chewing ever so slowly, I wash it down with a giant gulp of lemonade and wait.  I waited for 10 minutes and decided I would wait just 2 more, just in case.  As most pregnant women know vomiting from food aversions can show up at any time.  One minute had passed, I just had to wait 60 more seconds… 
'ah, screw it!'  I was ready to eat and I couldn't wait any longer.  60 seconds had come and gone and not only did I take another bite but, I also finished my entire burger!  I could have quite possibly set a world record for fastest In and Out burger ever consumed.  

I clear my hands of all the greasy goodness and decided it was time to go home, I didn't want to take advantage of this moment; I didn't know if and when I was going to get another one.  Having a smile from ear to ear I walk into my house and take my place on the couch waiting for something to go wrong.  Next thing I know, I am waking up from a 3 hour coma-like nap feeling refreshed and kind of hungry.  I felt like it was too good to be true, with the fear of my evening meeting with the porcelain god; I reached for an always welcome orange and banana.  
Week 11 was filled with the same food aversions but, baby steps to keeping more food down and keeping this growing baby inside of me a whole heck of a lot more satisfied.  

Thank you week 11 you have been great!

"Week 12- I think I need to go shopping"

After daily complaints to my husband about my clothing not fitting me any longer and feeling like an over stuffed chorizo, he finally tells me to bite the maternity clothes bullet and go shopping.  Waaaaahahaha, I hate shopping!!  
Still thinking I could fit into my bathing suit I go to my dresser and grab old faithful!  If I could fit into her I could still fit into my clothes for another week.  As the laws of pregnancy have it, the rapid bloating and ever growing pouch had a mind of it's own and I had to just suck it up and go…shopping.  The next morning came faster than any other morning and I knew what awaited me that day.  So, with just a little bit of hesitance I got up and took my time going about my daily routine.  I even called my husband and told him to meet me for lunch!  I figured a nice long drive to Exeter would cut into my day nicely.  While at lunch we discussed his day and the start of my morning, on our way back to the car he looks at me and says " you are going shopping today aren't you?"  I roll my eyes and just accept the fact that this shopping thing was bound to happen today.  
On my drive back home I was thinking about just how annoying it must be for him to hear day after day "I am getting fat, why I am so bloated, I feel ugly, I look huge, I feel huge, why am I so bloated, can you tell I am pregnant or do I just look like I have been hitting the burgers and beers…"  
I even started to annoy myself with these questions and statements, I had to stop the madness, I had to stop it for him and his sanity.  

I felt so small standing in front of Motherhood Maternity, I started to feel like I couldn't breath.  Forcing myself through the double doors, I was greeted by an up-beat sweet woman behind the counter.  I am pretty sure she saw my anxiety from a mile away and bless her heart for coming up and assisting me with all types of maternity clothing questions and concerns.  I let her know that a bathing suit was priority on my list, being pregnant in the summer time without a suit that fit was not an option for me.  We walk over to the selection of suits and I go straight for a nice black…two piece?!  OH HELL NO!  I put that bad boy back and grabbed a tankini thing.  I walk into the dressing room and  close the curtain behind me, I turn to the mirror not only to see myself in early pregnant form but, I also see this big, black pillow with a strap around it.  Completely confused I ask out loud "what the heck is this strapped pillow thing?" .  I hear a couple of footsteps in my direction and then the curtain opens, "Oh that thing?  That is a pregnancy bump, it helps you get an idea as to what you will look like in our clothing the further you get into your pregnancy.  It's not an exact size of what you will be but, close"  She then smiles at me and exits my dressing room.  I slowly reach for the bump and decided to make the best out of my visit at Motherhood Maternity, I mean this thing just yells "good time"!  
Like putting on a bra, I strap that baby on and adjust the bump; then put on the top to my bathing suit.  Laughing hysterically, I grab my phone and decided to document this moment for my husband.  He would appreciate a multi-media message text like this and this is the closest I would ever get to sexting.  After striking a couple of my sexiest poses.  I pick the winner and I accept that fact that I am not the definition of sexy! Bwahahaah!
Lets just say that a good time was had by all in Motherhood Maternity, including myself and I have the photo to prove it!  
Sexy eh?!  I am totally bringing sexy back, in a major pregnant way!

"Week 13- What was that sound?"

Week 13 was the start of my gas orchestra!  When they say that you get gassy they mean it; and there is not a Gas X or Tums out there that can help you or your loved ones!  After eating a simple meal of lettuce and fruits I decided to lay in bed and read a couple of pages of a random baby book.  Next thing I know my dog Mr. Big and my cat George are cuddled up right next to me.  With all that love around me I found it hard not to doze off and sleep (yet again).
What seemed like 30 seconds later, I was shaken out of bed by my dog struggling to get out from underneath the covers and a strange noise that I no longer heard.  I look around and wonder to myself what the heck was that noise… my dog finds his way out from the covers but, before he jumps off the bed he turns and stares right at me.  I could have swore I saw a small dose of fear and confusion in his eyes and without warning he jumped off the bed and sat next to my husband who was standing in the doorway of our bedroom.  Smiling with a grin that could out do even the Joker, my husband asks me "did that sound come out of you?!"  With a sudden rush of embarrassment I feel my cheeks become flush.  Totally embarrassed I put two and two together.  The sound that not only frightened my dog and woke me from my sleep was the same sound that usually leaves most peoples backsides while in the restroom!  Yes ladies and gentlemen I farted myself awake, my dog into shock, and my husband into complete rolling on the floor, side splitting laughter!  
I really thought that a sound with that much fervor would never, could never exit my little body but it did!  Week 13 passed with me farting with enough force to launch a rocket-ship and burping loud enough to sound like a frat boy after a keg stand!  Not a day has passed since week 13 were I have not passed some type of gas.  I am sure I am contributing to the terrible pollution rate Visalia is currently known for, watch out LA!